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Showing 20 reactions
Pat Meriwether
via Pat Meriwether
2013-08-03 15:29:43 -0400
An important film has been made. Everyone should see this film. Thank a farmer today.
Kelly Moltzen
via Kelly Moltzen
2012-10-21 00:04:00 -0400
Knowing where your food comes from and supporting small-scale farmers is so important for our health, the Earth’s health, and the livelihoods of the people who grow our food. Thanks to American Meat, we can all get a better sense of the challenges facing these farmers, so we can then work together to address them.
Graham Meriwether
posted about this
on Facebook
2012-10-11 10:35:37 -0400
Thank you to America's farmers #AmericanMeat #ProFarmer
Lisa Madison
posted about this
on Facebook
2012-10-10 11:55:24 -0400
Did the meat you ate today come from a happy animal? Educate yourself #AmericanMeat #ProFarmer
Lisa Madison
via Lisa Madison
2012-10-10 11:55:06 -0400
American Meat is a fabulous film, and an important part of the good food movement!