Coming Together in Davis

Hey! I am a third year Community and Regional Development major and Chicano Studies minor at
UC Davis. I am the Event Coordinator for the Campus Center for the Environment, which is a resource
center/environmental advocacy unit of our student government. I wanted to host the American Meat
documentary at Davis because I knew it would touch on subjects that are important to many of our
students. We recently added a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems major to accompany our
other agriculturally related majors, so we have a lot of students who are passionate about incorporating
sustainability into our food production. Though I am not a Sustainable Ag and Food Systems major,
I am also passionate about how our food systems work, especially in terms of access to healthy,
whole foods and so I was interested in learning more about how we could make sustainably and
environmentally conscious food production feasible on a large scale. I was really happy with how the
movie screening went! We had over 200 students come, and I am certain that the free Chipotle had
nothing to do with it... It was a really fun crowd and we had a GREAT panel of farmers/butchers/feed
producers etc. I think the students got a lot out of the movie as well as the panel and we had some great
discussions happening where students got to talk about their interests with our super knowledgable

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